6 Non-Surgical Remedies for Back Pain

“Oh!” you gasp as your feet touch the floor and you reach for the chirping alarm. You wonder whether your back pain is here to stay.

According to the American Chiropractic Association, back pain is the single leading cause of disability worldwide.

Good news! There are lots of effective home treatments for back pain.

1. Use topical treatments.

If you have severe back pain accompanied by inflammation, apply an ice pack or cold compress to help reduce inflammation.

A warm or hot compress can also relieve pain by loosening up muscles.

2. Use OTC medications.

Here are some common over-the-counter medications that can provide temporary pain relief:

  • Muscle relaxants
  • Tylenol (acetaminophen) and aspirin
  • Ibuprofen and naproxen (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs)
  • Topical pain relief products (ointments, sprays, gels, creams)

3. Do some stretching and exercise.

To recover from back pain, you need to move and do some exercise.

Try to do low-impact physical activities such as walking, biking, and swimming.

For severe back pain, light exercise and gentle stretching such as light yoga or chair yoga can help gradually restore normal movement and extension without causing too much discomfort.

For chronic (non-severe) back pain, exercises that strengthen the core can reduce pain over time. 

4. Try therapeutics.

Therapeutic methods can lessen and eliminate back pain. Patients report positive results from massages, chiropractic alignment, bioelectric therapy, and acupuncture.

5. Eat a healthier diet.

Inflammation is a common cause of chronic pain. A diet high in processed foods, simple carbohydrates, and refined sugar can cause and worsen inflammation.

Eating a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole foods can decrease inflammation. Whole foods are foods that have been processed as little as possible and contain no additives or substances.

6. Try sleep hygiene and sleep aids.

Getting enough sleep lowers stress, allows the body to heal faster, and increases pain tolerance.

Practice good sleep hygiene by going to bed at the same time every night and avoiding exposure to screens that emit blue light.

Try to stop watching TV and using cell phones and computers at least an hour before bedtime.

Sleep aid supplements like melatonin and magnesium may help induce sleep.

7. Try some stress relief methods.

Stress can contribute to chronic back pain. Cognitive-behavioral therapy and meditation may help relieve stress.

Back Pain Treatment at Texas Pain Physicians

You don’t need to settle for a back pain-filled life a day longer. Texas Pain Physicians has board-certified doctors specialized in pain management who can help you discover the right treatments for you.

Give us a call at (972) 636-5727 or schedule an appointment online today!