Dr. Christopher Creighton

Practice Locations:


  • (972) 497-2655
  • (214) 238-5242


  • (972) 528-7722
  • (972) 941-3785


  •  (972) 559-3501
  •  (972) 559-3529

Dr. Christopher Creighton

Christopher Creighton, M.D. brings 25 years of experience to the practice, drawing upon a variety of specialties including anesthesiology, internal medicine and pathology.

Earlier in his career, Dr. Creighton served as assistant professor of anesthesiology at West Virginia University School of Medicine as well as co-director of its Center for Pain Management and its pain fellowship program. Before that, he was chairman of the Department of Anesthesiology at Morris Hospital, Morris, Ill.

His approach to interventional pain management is to create an accurate diagnosis first, and have as many tools to address that diagnosis as possible. “My deepest sense of satisfaction comes from improving the quality of life for patients and increasing their functional abilities,” he says.

He and his wife of 25 years have a daughter who attends the University of Southern California, and a son, who graduated from Texas A&M University, and is an engineer. In his spare time, Dr. Creighton enjoys scuba diving, reading, hiking, sailing and cycling. 


  • University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine 
  • Residency – Washington University



I was the clinical specialist who visited you recently to show the Ziehm c-arm. You spoke with me about having conducted a stellate ganglion block on a friend of your wife’s, for depression. Your report inspired me to research this treatment, find a local provider, and have the procedure.

It has only been three days since the first of two injections (R side), and I have already experienced notable improvement in depression; anxiety, anxiety-related morning sweats; passive suicidal ideation; and sleep quality. I did not have difficulty falling or staying asleep before, but now my sleep is noticeably more restful.

The clinician who performed my SGB is Dr. Ryan Wood at Northwest Regenerative Orthopedics, in Portland Oregon (nwregen.com). He is a published pioneer in the procedure.

Thank you for sharing your story with me. It has changed my life.
